Grocery Store | Rappi

During the COVID pandemic in 2020, our lives took a 360 turn.

At Rappi we began to grow quickly as we became one of the essential applications for the majority of people who could not leave their homes to shop.

The supermarket branch was one of the most in-demand given the great value that shopping from the safety of our homes had at that time. But our supermarket branch was not the most used by users and was not above the competition.

Project showcase laptop mockup


Understanding the problem

By analyzing the data of our application we were able to have a first approach to the problem.

  • Our users only buy a few products that they find using the search bar

  • Our users do not explore deep enough the store corridors

  • When at least 3 searched products are not found, the purchase is canceled

GOAL: Create easy and understandable navigation within supermarket stores.

Good Navigation = More porductos founds = More products in the basket

Project showcase laptop mockup
Project showcase laptop mockup
Project showcase laptop mockup



Quantitative Data

We started by understanding the numbers we could collect within our application. We did this by setting events to observe patterns and user actions within the platform.


  • Only 34% of users interact with the first levels of brokers. and only 24% of users continue to the next levels but when they got here they added more products than in the first level.

  • The "All Corridors" view was only seen by 7% of users.

Competitor Analysis

  • iFood

  • Marketing

  • Cornershop

We analyze the shopping experiences of our main competitors and identify pain points and successes within their products. This helped us understand where we could stand out and what commonalities exist between the different products that are common patterns.

Usability Testing

We wanted to be able to understand and observe how our users interact with the current supermarket interface within the app and be able to discover pain points and frustration.

For this we created 2 tests and recruited 10 users.


  • Our users already have mental models of how the categories of the products they need and search for are organized.

  • When product options are narrowed, it is easier to find what they are looking for.

  • Our users tend to repeat their product search patterns for all the products


Ideation & Design

After collecting the necessary data and information we were ready to start ideating a possible solution.

This is when we get together with the DEV Team and PM to discuss what limitations and what possibilities we have in front of us.

Flow for adding products to basket

Architecture for corridors and products

High-fidelity wireframes

Final Design



After collecting the necessary data and information we were ready to start ideating a possible solution.

This is when we get together with the DEV Team and PM to discuss what limitations and what possibilities we have in front of us.



Since its launch, we monitor certain metrics and events within the application to determine if the solution is generating value for both users and the business.

We could see a BIG IMPACT reflected in the first days of exposure of the new features and improvements.

Business level:

  • AOV (Average Order Value) increase

  • ATC saw a positive increase in the first few days (contributes to AOV)

  • CTR

User level:

  • We were able to observe greater satisfaction through follow-up interviews, which was reflected in the NPS.

  • Task completion time was decreased.

Let’s Collaborate



